R43 | Proposer: Green Party Korea, Green Party Indonesia
We the Global Greens promote:
- Effective AI regulation should be constituted by mandatory legal compliance with timely monitoring and evaluation mechanisms (including effective sanctions in case of rule violation), good practice guidelines.
- Responsible development, safe use and human control of AI
- That AI cannot be used for violation of human rights and stifling of democracy.
- Establishment of regulatory frameworks for AI that promote safety, transparency, explainability, accuracy, objectivity, reliability, resilience, and accountability.
- Human oversight to ensure that capacities and limitations of high-risk AI systems are fully understood, duly monitored, can safely be stopped, if necessary.
- Minimize environmental impact by AI development.
- Justice for workers involved in AI development. They must be treated fairly and receive support to maintain physical and mental health, should be able to refuse work on AI that is not legally or morally justified.
Note: This resolution is largely based on the Draft Charter on AI Principles in the document “Artificial General Intelligence – Regulating to Promote Human Control” (update 24 May 2023), by Christine Elwell, CEO of University Rosedale Greens of Canada.