R32 | Proposer: Blak Greens, Australian Greens; Green Party Aotearoa New Zealand; Nepali Greens; Green Party Taiwan; India Greens Party; Pacific Greens Network Asia Pacific Greens Federation Council


1.a. The Global Greens Congress, in consultation and co-operation with First Nations Indigenous Tribal Peoples attending and represented at Global Greens Congress 2023, refers the formation of a Global Greens First Nations Network, along with similar Resolutions intending to form Working Groups and Networks, to the Global Greens Coordination for further administration of Mandates, Terms of Reference and Membership set up.

1.b. Global Greens First Nations Indigenous Tribal Peoples attending Global Greens Congress 2023 approach the Federations and proposers of these Resolutions to indicate and sign up their support and commitment to a First Nations Indigenous Tribal Peoples Global Greens Network to assist the process of the GG Coordination setting up these Networks (and Working Groups).

Initial Draft Resolution is now referred to Global Greens Coordination for further administration:

”We, as ‘citizens’ of the planet, members of the Global Greens, and First Nations  Indigenous Tribal Peoples, United in our awareness that the Earth’s vitality, diversity and beauty has been, and is, the Custodial responsibility of past and  continuing Custodians of First Nations Indigenous Tribal Peoples to bequeath the  Planet to the next generations,

Guided by the purposes and principles of the Global Greens Charter,

Recognising the rights of Indigenous People and their contribution to the common heritage, as well as the right of all minorities and oppressed peoples to their culture, religion, economic and cultural life,

Hereby resolve that there shall be a GLOBAL FIRST NATIONS (INDIGENOUS, TRIBAL PEOPLES) NETWORK co-created and re-established as a part of the Global Greens  networks.

[Noting the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) as adopted by the General Assembly on Thursday, 13 September 2007.]”


Human Rights of First Nations Indigenous Tribal Peoples are confirmed in the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) as adopted by the General Assembly on Thursday, 13 September 2007. This history is critical as the Greens Movement look to include all Members from the Indigenous Peoples of their countries.

establishes a universal framework of minimum standards for the survival, dignity and wellbeing of the Indigenous Peoples of the world and it elaborates on existing human rights standards and fundamental freedoms as they apply to the specific situation of Indigenous Peoples.


Blak Greens, Australian Greens;

Green Party Aotearoa New Zealand;

Nepali Greens;