R27 | Proposer: Europa Verde – Verdi / Egyptian Green Party
The Global Greens aim at reinforcing dialogue among member parties – especially from different federations – by promoting a global north-south approach based on mutual solidarity. The Mediterranean region, placed across three continents, is a fragmented context facing unprecedented environmental and social pressures leading to disruptive consequences: here the North-South divide is replicated at scale.
On the one hand, desertification, pollution and rising sea levels are complemented, among the others, by new and old international disputes, an evolving demography and a labor market designed to marginalise women, young people and migrants. On the other hand, the challenges posed by the ecological transition will inevitably have an impact on the mutually dependent economies of the region. In turn, these adjustments will affect workers and local communities. In order to enable a Just Transition in the region (and globally), the upcoming transformations require solutions resulting from a pluralist process where environmental and social impacts are equally considered.
The region, confronted with geopolitical turmoils and environmental pressures, is subject to instability and conflicts. As a vicious circle, environmental pressure creates conflicts and, in turn, conflicts cause severe environmental degradation. In reality, diversity and co-existence of different cultural and social models are potentially the greatest strengths of the region. However, political fragmentation hinders efforts to accomplish a collective understanding of the climate fragility of the region. One way to overcome regional differences stands in the historical necessity to implement a real Climate Diplomacy.
The challenges the region is exposed to are similar and intertwined: Mediterranean green parties are in a perfect position to team up and deliver an evidence-based assessment of the regional needs. In addition, they have the capacity to come up with shared solutions capable of grasping the unitary, though fragmented, dimension of this region.
Although it is apparent that the geopolitical centre of the world is shifting towards Asia-Pacific, the constant evolution of the Mediterranean region will not slow down. The extreme sensitivity of the region is also recognised at UN level, including at COP 27, where the UfM organized the Mediterranean Pavilion.
Already in the past, the Global Greens have shown an interest in exploring how to achieve a more structured approach to dialogue and cooperation in the Mediterranean region. However, currently, green parties from Mediterranean countries are lacking a forum to discuss common challenges, share knowledge and formulate proposals.
The Global Greens, gathered in Incheon, state that:
• Green parties from the Mediterranean have gained sufficient momentum to engage in multilateral dialogues and coordinate campaigns.
The Mediterranean region, placed across three continents, is a fragmented context facing unprecedented environmental and social pressures leading to disruptive consequences: here the North-South divide is replicated at scale.
However, currently, green parties from Mediterranean countries are lacking a forum to discuss common challenges, share knowledge and formulate proposals.